The best recipe for Mexican micheladas April 08, 2023admin Do you want to know how to prepare micheladas that are as refreshing as they are delicious?... The michelada is one of the most popular drinks in Mexico and a...
Is it true that beer takes away a hangover? January 15, 2023javi You've probably heard that beer takes away a hangover and more than one well-intentioned friend has recommended a beer to help you feel better in a matter of minutes. If...
The 10 best drinking and sauce games for parties January 10, 2023javi There is nothing better to have a good time having a few drinks in good company than to dare yourself with one of the many alcohol party games that you...
Why is it said that whiskey doesn't give you a hangover? December 31, 2022javi Do you want to know why whiskey doesn't give you a hangover ? Would you like to confirm, once and for all, whether this widespread idea is a myth or...
Is it good to take Ibuprofen for a hangover? December 30, 2022admin Is ibuprofen good for relieving a hangover ? This is one of the frequently asked questions that our experts can answer. But, it is not the only issue. What to...
Anti-hangover pills drink easer December 24, 2022admin Can you imagine having an anti-hangover remedy that could erase the effects of alcohol from the night before?... Well, take note because it exists! You are interested in knowing that...
The least fattening alcoholic beverages December 13, 2022javi When enjoying a traditional aperitif, an after-dinner meal or a night of partying and drinks, you have surely asked yourself, on more than one occasion, which alcohol is the least...
How to make an anti hangover pack December 04, 2022javi An anti-hangover pack is the great detail with which to put an end to any celebration. Bachelor parties, weddings, celebrations... If you want to leave your guests the best memory...
Why do anti-hangover remedies contain hydroxyl? December 02, 2022javi Why do anti-hangover remedies contain hydroxyl? Surely you have heard it said on more than one occasion that hydroxyl for hangovers is the best solution, but it is worth finding...
How long does a hangover last? December 02, 2022Alba Díaz If you're suffering from an incredible hangover, I'm sorry to tell you that it won't get better anytime soon. Next time, use our natural anti-hangover pills , and avoid the...
How does milk thistle work against hangovers? November 27, 2022admin There are many people concerned about avoiding the effects of alcohol. There are people concerned about how alcohol influences their cholesterol levels , possible liver problems or hangovers. Nature is...
Benadon and alcohol how does it affect? November 25, 2022javi Benadon is a medication that should be taken on medical advice or prescription. Even so, there are many doubts about the possible use of benadon against hangovers and about the...